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For Teachers

This page provides friendly links on what’s happening in the educational arena in North Carolina and nationwide. If you come across something interesting related to educational issues affecting Hispanic youth, please don’t hesitate in contacting us at


Burroughs Wellcome Fund Accepting Applications for Career Award for Science and Mathematics Teachers
The career award provides $175,000 over five years ($35,000 per year) to eligible teachers in North Carolina public schools.  The purpose of this award is to recognize teachers who have demonstrated a solid knowledge of science and/or mathematics content and have outstanding performance records in educating children. This five-year award presents opportunities for professional development and collaboration with other master science and/or mathematics teachers who will help to ensure their success as teachers and their satisfaction with the field of teaching. Special consideration will be given to teachers working in hard-to-staff, economically deprived classrooms in North Carolina. The award also offers schools and school districts the opportunity to fully develop teachers as leaders in the field. Application Deadline: September 30, 2020 by 4:00pm EDT


Please visit Burroughs Wellcome Fund, who is offering this award for information and eligibility guidelines.


¡Excelencia in Education! Examples of Excelencia Call:​

For over 15 years, Examples of Excelencia has been the only national effort to recognize programs with evidence-based practices that increase Latino student success in higher education.  Programs are recognized in four categories: associate, baccalaureate, graduate, and community-based organizations (CBOs). Since 2005, Excelencia has received over 1,600 program nominations for the annual Examples of Excelencia selection process, with submissions ranging from 33 states, including Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C. As a whole, Excelencia has recognized over 300 programs for their efforts in advancing Latino student success and awarded $1.92 million to programs making a difference for Latino students. In 2019, we received 166 nominations from 32 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico

Be sure to nominate a program you think is accelerating Latino student success! Nominations open on 2/5/2020 12:00 AM and close at 3/6/2020 11:59 PMTimezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada– See more at


Educational Resources Links:


  • Educational Resources for New Arrivals & DACA Students – Find out more valuable resources in education for DACA students.

  • Guide to Bachelor’s, Masters & Doctorate Programs in Education.

  • The Right to Dream: Promising Practices Improve Odds for Latino Men and Boys  – HIP has just released a national report. In it, you will see three North Carolina grantees highlighted: El Futuro, El Vinculo, and Student Action with Farmworkers…along with other HIP grantees from across the country.

  • North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Triangle Day School is an independent, nonprofit school with small classes and an academically rigorous program. Students explore language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science in a challenging yet nurturing school setting. Spanish instruction is offered to all students K-8 and Middle School students may take Latin. Electives and Clubs, such as Jazz Band, Theatre Arts, Yearbook, and Sign Language are available to students in grades 6-8. Intramural and interscholastic sports are offered as after-school activities. Course work is also provided for all students in computer, art, and physical education. For more information, please visit their website at

  • White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans: “As the fastest-growing population, Hispanics play a vital role in America’s future. The White House Initiatives strives to improve educational opportunities and achieve excellence in the education of Hispanics”….The White House.

  • U.S. Department of Education (ED) Home Page

  • Durham County Library: Serving the Durham Community since 1898

  • North Carolina Business Committee for Education Check the NC Wise Owl Link, a free resource for students and parents, and can be accessed from home, church, community centers, libraries, etc. The kids get their FREE password from the school’s media coordinator.

  • Office of Environmental Education: This website demonstrates North Carolina’s comprehensive environmental education resources, including curriculum and professionals development information for educators and links that help one learn about his or her ecological address – the environment in one’s own backyard.

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF): The prestigious HSF has provided financial aid to outstanding Hispanic American students pursuing college degrees for almost a quarter of a century. HSF provides scholarships based on merit, with consideration of financial need, to Hispanic Americans of all races and ethnicities. Qualified applicants are of background that is at least half Hispanic (one parent fully Hispanic or both parents half Hispanic), are a United States citizen or permanent resident, and have already earned at least 15 undergraduate credits at a two-year or four year accredited college or university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico.

  • Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities: Mission: To promote the development and success of member colleges and universities, improve access to and quality of post-secondary educational opportunities for Hispanic students, and meet the needs of business, industry, and government through the development and sharing of resources, information, and expertise.

  • National Hispanic University: Mission: To enable Hispanics, other minorities, women, and others to acquire an undergraduate degree or certificate through a multicultural educational experience and to achieve a career in business, education, or technology.

  • National Association of Hispanic Publications (NAHP): NAHP announces the 3rd Edition of the “2000 Hispanic Scholarship Directory.” The publication (IUSBN 1-889379-18-2) details over 1000 Scholarships that are available to Hispanic students. It also contains helpful information for entering or continuing Hispanic & minority college students. Additionally, you may wish to inform your students that they may want to log on to the following website to do a search (FREE OF CHARGE) that is tailored to their specific situation and needs.


SAT and ACT Information Resources:
Spanish Language Handouts
English Language College Handout

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